Every Second, Every Minute,Every Hour, Everyday, It Never Ends.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Freedom Of Happiness

Happiness and joy is inside all of us.
What is this happiness that we've speak?
How can we obtain such happiness inside our life?
What is this special feelings that everyone have?

Based on the article "The Degree Of Happiness" by Betrand Russell that I've read, It's true as he speak that happiness can be obtain anytime and anywhere. Happiness is feeling of freedom where we can be as who we are, as we can feel up high in the sky and even we can feel achieved until we proud of everything that happens around us. Such happiness is not just something but it's our feelings. And it's not something that you can buy even with money.

With every smiles and laughter also one of the act to retain our happiness although we have many emotions that could control us in many ways. Even with such terrible illness or rural, Wealth and Loneliness there can be a cure to defeat such emotions like anger, sad, sorrow, madness even insanity. In the article, Betrand Russell shows that at any occasion happiness can appear once we are satisfied with anything that are crossing our mind. Although you have such disability you can conquer your fear by accepting your challenge. Even with such place without any technology or industrial, we can still achieve such happiness with things as you interested. Even achieving something as a student or educated person there will always be happiness.

As I have stated before, money couldn't buy anything, even our freedom to feel something. Many could feel pain and suffering from nightmares even fear it self can consume us so we couldn't feel what we have left before. Such fear can be demolished with courage and strong feelings. One who wants to received such pleasure of happiness must defeat and overcome such fear. Doesn't mean you have disadvantages you can't have advantages. We all do by give big smile and tell yourself that nothing's stopping you from grabbing your own happiness.

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